September 19, 2024

Exercise Can Counter Holiday Binge Eating

Scientists writing in The Journal of Physiology say that exercise lessens many of the harmful physiological effects that occur after Christmas binge eating.

Previous studies have shown that a couple of days of consuming more calories than you burn may cause detrimental health impacts, making the holidays trouble for that tummy. However, this new study counters this thought, showing that a daily bout of exercise generates vast physiological benefits even if consuming a large number of calories a lot more than you burn.

“This new information shows that the picture is more sophisticated than ‘energy’ alone: exercise has positive effects even if we are actively storing energy and gaining weight,” James Betts, one of the researchers from The University of Bath, said in a statement.

The team discovered that after only one week of overeating, people being monitored for that study showed poor blood sugar levels control and their fat cells were expressing genes that cause unhealthy metabolic changes and disrupted nutritional balance. However, the negative effects due to these short bursts of binge eating were markedly less for individuals who were exercising.

During the study, 26 healthy teenagers were inspired to be generally inactive within their day to day activities. 1 / 2 of the men were inspired to exercise daily on the treadmill for 45 minutes, and everybody involved in the study was asked to overeat. The non-exercising group increased their caloric intake by 50 %, while the exercising group increased it by 75 %.

“Our research shows that a short period of overconsumption and reduced exercise leads to very profound negative alterations in a variety of physiological systems C but that the daily bout of exercise stops many of these negative changes from happening,” Jean-Philippe Walhin, a researcher around the study, said in a statement.

Dr Dylan Thompson, senior author on the paper, discussed how among the features in the team’s study was critical.

“A vital feature of our experiment is the fact that we matched the power surplus between groups C therefore the exercise group consumed even more energy and were still best after a few days,” Thompson said.

After a week, the study participants had insulin shots measurements and biopsies of fat tissue taken, which resulted in some striking results. The non-exercising group showed a substantial and unhealthy decline within their blood sugar control, as well as their fat cells were over expressing genes associated with unhealthy metabolic changes and were under-expressing genes involved in well-functioning metabolism. However, the men who were inspired to exercise had stable glucose levels and their fat cells showed less “undesirable” genetic expression.

“Short-term overfeeding and reduced exercise had a dramatic effect on the overall metabolic health from the participants as well as on various key genes within fat tissue C and exercise prevented these negative changes despite the fact that energy had been stored,” said Walhin.

Thompson suggests that if a person is facing a time of overconsumption and inactivity, they should consider a daily bout of exercise to prevent the numerous negative changes that take place.