April 25, 2024

Myth or fact: Your diet program in pregnancy becomes newborn favourite food!

Well, most Indian mothers and elders also think that such a woman eats during having a baby winds up impacting the fetus’s taste and eating style. This may not be entirely false but isn’t true either. A baby’s food preferences be determined by various factors. Based on Sonali Shivlani, an Internationally Certified Pregnancy, Lactation and Child Nutrition Counsellor and our panel expert, it’s a myth that babies finally end up favouring foods their own mothers ate when pregnant. ‘However, they actually do normally eat foods coming from a particular food group simply because it develops certain tastes when in the womb,’ she says.

While a youngster develops her a feeling of taste during her developmental phase during the day several types of foods, allow me to share few the reason why a mom will most likely always eat healthy to enhance healthy eating habits in kids starting from the womb.

Mother’s diet influences baby’s food preference during weaning

A study published in the journal Paediatrics in 2001 revealed that flavours that your mother favoured during getting pregnant had a direct impact on the baby in the weaning stages. In such a study, mothers who drank carrot juice in the third trimester and lactation, their babies were more prone to eat carrots or carrot based foods during weaning. Case study concluded that prenatal and postnatal experience of certain tastes influences the newborn child to get those foods during weaning [1]. The reason being the child, during times of womb, can taste certain flavours from the amniotic fluid and the influences her choices later on.

Mother’s who ate processed food while pregnant their children preferred the same

Another study indicated that mothers who ate more junk and sugar rich foods during their pregnancy, their babies turned into prefer those tastes more as an alternative to well balanced meals when offered during weaning. This is because these children developed sensitivity towards such foods while in the womb. However, their brain surely register those tastes provided that offered in adequate amounts during maturity [2].

Hence, this ensures that maternal nutrition during pregnancy it isn’t just crucial that you maintain your mother healthy but impacts the fetus too. Additionally it is imperative that you conserve the child provide the right choices of food as she develops.


1. Mennella JA, Jagnow CP, Beauchamp GK. Prenatal and postnatal flavor learning by human infants. Pediatrics. 2001 Jun;107(6):E88. PubMed PMID: 11389286; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1351272.

2. Gugusheff, J. R., Ong, Z. Y., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2013). A maternal “junk-food” diet reduces sensitivity on the opioid antagonist naloxone in offspring postweaning.?The FASEB Journal,?27(3), 1275-1284.