April 19, 2024

The HIIT Workout That’ll Leave You Breathless

When it comes to?cardio, we love a good device which will kick our butts. (Woodway Curve?and?WaterRower, we’re taking a look at you.) And something from the newer machines to hit the ground is really an oldie but goodie: the environment bike. Don’t be fooled, though. It’s just like riding a bike, but not whatsoever. Unlike a conventional bicycle or spin bike, the air bike includes a fan in lieu of a front wheel (check one out here). And if you’ve heard rumblings that it ain’t easy, it’s true. These “assault” bikes will blast major calories, but straight up humble you, too.

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All About the Air Bike

While you’d set a stationery bike in a certain resistance (or watts), the fan bike differs in that the faster you pedal, the more resistance you generate. “The harder you’re employed, the harder it gets,” says Mike Boyle, co-founder of Boston area?Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning. Plus, additionally you make use of your arms simultaneously, which allows you to work both your upper and lower body together. Boyle calls it the bike equivalent of an?indoor machine.

“It becomes a total-body exercise, which you aren’t able to get on a regular bike,” he states. “They’re similar to a well-kept secret, because the average person has a tendency to say they’re way too hard,” he states. But now that?CrossFit’s?gone mainstream and?HIIT?is hotter than ever, there is a desire for equipment that can take your workout up a notch.

Because you utilize your legs and arms simultaneously, your?heartbeat?soars about 20 percent higher than if you were to just pedal with your legs, says Boyle. So it makes sense that you will also get a lift in calorie burn by comparable amount, he adds.

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It’s also gentler to your joints. “With any bike, you get rid of the ground reaction force, therefore it is safer. The only thing that will get pummelled is the heart and lungs,” says Boyle. Plus, unlike other bikes, you crunches straighter, which puts less pressure in your spine.

Your Air Bike HIIT Workout

So how do you make use of the air bike??HIIT workouts?are generally a good option to start. And, because you don’t have to cope with buttons or dials to alter the resistance, you can simply visit and go.

But before Boyle gets his clients going, he first has them do a “maximum speed aerobic test” or MAS. Translation: Ride the bike in a sustainable pace for 5 to 6 minutes. At the conclusion, the bike should tell you what your average rpm is. The rate that you can hold for five minutes is the max aerobic speed, says Boyle. Knowing that, then you can set up your intervals in a number of ways:

That means you ride at 110 percent of the MAS. Let’s imagine your trial said your MAS was 60 rpm. Within the “on” portion of the interval, you’d shoot for 66 rpm. Follow it up with 10 seconds off. “Off” means you just spin the pedals with your feet. Don’t be concerned with your speed here – the concept would be to recover, says Boyle.

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To switch some misconception, other available choices for that intervals include:

The total number of intervals you complete will be different based on your work/rest ratio. But Boyle typically recommends spending the last 10 to 15 minutes of your workout doing conditioning on air bike. (Yes, which means all of this work happens?after?your regularly scheduled?strength session.)

To vary things up, you can also use the air bike for any steady state ride (again within the 10 to 15 minute range). Or, you can test a timed 2 or 3 miles. Whichever route you decide to go, we guarantee you’ll feel the burn.

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