May 6, 2024

How Yoga Can Help You Appear younger Than Your Years

To keep your body feeling and looking its best with every passing year, say “om.” Studies have shown that doing yoga is one of the greatest ways to slow the clock. And it is not only because you’re helping your muscles remain limber-a regular yoga practice may increase the levels of stay-young hormones that can slow the aging process.

“As you get older, you lose lean muscle mass mass-as almost as much ast 15 percent per decade if you’re not active,” says Vonda Wright, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and the author of Fitness After 40. But doing yoga plus other strength exercise at least four or 5 times a week helps slow this loss so that even a 60-something might have as much lean muscle mass as someone Two decades younger, she adds.

Yoga is also especially good at battling the sag that comes as time marches on, notes Janiene Luke, MD, associate professor of dermatology at Loma Linda University in California. “The skin is like a drape for that underlying musculature,” she says, “so if those muscles are toned, you’ll look firmer as well as your skin is going to be less baggy.”

Even just a couple minutes each day can produce a huge difference, says Kristin McGee, Health‘s contributing yoga and wellness editor along with a yoga instructor in Nyc, who put together a few favorite gravity-fighting poses. They’re great for you anytime but are particularly key now, once we recover from the holidays and set ourselves up for the healthiest year yet.

This move targets bat wings. Squat with knees and feet together. Twist knees as far right as possible; place hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, right-hand aligned with left little toe and left-hand several inches farther out. Lean forward and put upper outer left leg on upper right arm; tilt forward to lift legs, balancing them on upper right arm. Lower; repeat on the other side. Too hard? Do regular Crow (discover the shocking truth below to learn how).

This move targets saddlebags. Stand with feet about 3 feet apart, toes ended up to around 45 degrees. Bring hands together in front of chest in prayer position. Exhaling, bend knees as deeply as you possibly can, keeping them in line with toes. Press palms together while gazing straight ahead.

This move targets a mushy bum. Stand with feet together; inhale and lift arms overhead. Exhale and bend knees, bringing thighs toward the ground while drawing shoulder blades down and reaching arms past ears. Keep back long and lift through chest while you lower legs a little more toward the ground, gazing forward and keeping arms parallel. Rise to stand. Do this as a continuous flow, ideally holding each pose for 5 to eight breaths; repeat the flow 2 or 3 times. Complete the sequence Three or four times a week as well as in a few weeks you’ll start to see your parts perking up.

This move strengthens the backs of the thighs. Take a seat on the floor with legs extended straight out, feet together, palms at sides a few inches behind you with fingers pointing toward body. Lift hips, pushing through heels and hands, forming an upright line from head to heels. To produce, lower hips back down towards the floor. To make it harder, lift one leg and point toes.

This move targets your breasts. Come from a straight-arm plank with hands directly below shoulders and legs extended straight out behind you. Slowly bend elbows, lowering body until you’re hovering a few inches off the floor; keep back flat, elbows near to sides and head consistent with body. Proceed palms revisit starting plank position.

This move targets a turkey neck. Lie faceup with legs extended, arms at sides, palms down. Press forearms and elbows into the floor, lifting chest and arching upper back slightly. Continue arching back, lifting neck off the floor; tilt head back so top of head touches the floor. Continue pressing through forearms and out through heels. To produce, tuck chin while you back to the floor.

This move targets a rounded back. Lie facedown with legs extended, hands at sides. Bend knees, bringing heels toward glutes; grasp ankles with hands. On an inhale, lift heels while bringing thighs and chest started. Look forward, breathing evenly. To release, exhale and lower thighs and chest to the floor, letting go of feet.

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